Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Scaredy cat
Let me tell you about one of the most frightening moments of my life. It came when I was at university, spending a week in Blackpool as a delegate to the National Union of Students conference.
Clearly, if that's one of the most frightening things he has witnessed he needs to get out more. He goes on to compare an NUS meeting seeking to expel a group of Tories to a Nuremberg rally. Yes really.
I have two serious-ish points to make. First, it's worth noting in passing that Sunstein describes Mandela as an extremist in the book - but one with a valid cause. He also talks about 'good extremism'. And obviously the Finkster's terrifying experience with the NUS was directly related to the anti-apartheid cause. I'm not saying that this excuses the behaviour he describes, or that Sunstein provides justification for it either. Just it's a bit odd that he doesn't make this link.
Secondly, though I regard myself as a moderate lefty, I found this bit of his post really annoying:
I believe that the work, and now the life, of Cass Sunstein provide a lesson to political moderates. The views of individuals change when they are part of groups. Certainty becomes greater as theories are corroborated, people gather information that confirms their earlier views, and group members seek approval from others. All this pushes individuals farther in the direction they were already inclined to go. Professor Sunstein calls his book Going to Extremes, but group polarisation means that a mildly centrist group would become more resolutely centrist.
What I don't like about it is the implication that being a centrist is the same as being a moderate. There are two problems with this in my opinion. First, being a centrist (as in somewhere between Left and Right) does not at all mean that you are a moderate. If both Left and Right agree on immigration controls, and you plant your flag between them, that doesn't make you a moderate on the issue in general, it just means you have split the difference between two dominant views. Also what about historical drift? What was the 'moderate' position on a sensible level of public ownership of industry 30 years ago, and what is it now? The moderate if they are a centrist will have just floated on the surface as the tide of this debate shifted.
Secondly, and more importantly, this idea of left/right/centre is generally pretty hopeless because it encourages people to think that these concepts sit on a map with almost measurable distances between them. It is a really unhelpful metaphor. The clustering of sometimes inconsistent political beliefs around the poles of Left and Right should tell us that it is not that simple. Centrists can be extremists too, and not in the sense of extremely moderate.
Monday, 28 September 2009
A final bit of Blair-ism
Companies should be free to experiment with alternative securities and contracts with their suppliers of finance capital that allocate risk, reward and control in new ways. Firms should be able to issue securities with voting rights that vest over a period of time, for example, or provide for more than one vote per share if held by employees or other stakeholders. Once issued such securities, as well as more ordinary securities, should not be subject to unilateral or arbitrary changes in voting rights or other claims unless the initial registration statement explicitly notes that voting rights could be changed unilaterally. In other words, voting rights should be honored, but there should be no prohibitions against particular contract terms. If outside investors are leery of these securities, companies may find they are a higher-cost source of capital and avoid them. But companies might also find that the motivational effects of giving certain stakeholders special voting strength outweigh the negative effects of a higher cost of capital. Investors might even find that investing in companies where employees act like owners and exercise considerable control entails less risk than investing in firms whose managers have no monitors other than anonymous financial markets.
Sunday, 27 September 2009
L&C response to the IoD response to the TUC
“The majority of directors can only dream of a generous retirement pot. Our recent survey shows that only one in seven IoD members have gold-plated occupational pension schemes, compared with six in seven in the public sector.
In February 2009, the IoD carried out a survey of 980 IoD members. It found that, contrary to myth, most directors do not have gold-plated company pensions. Almost half (45%) have no occupational or employer-sponsored pension scheme at all. Just 12% of directors are members of defined benefit schemes, the same proportion as in the private sector as a whole and compared with membership of defined benefit schemes in the public sector of 90% of employees.
Tackling extremism on remuneration committees
Friday, 25 September 2009
This para made me laugh for some reason
And herein lies a paradox of managerialist politics. One the one hand, politicians sell themselves like any other product: "Great public services at prices you'll like." But on the other hand, they expect - and forcefully extract - an allegiance unavailable to ordinary firms; as Alasdair MacIntyre wrote, "it is like being asked to die for the telephone company."
PS. This is good too.
Thursday, 24 September 2009
Strategy, pay and shareholders
On the other hand, he argued, shareholders could say something sensible about pay because they could be more objective about it than directors, because they had knowledge of other companies and (I would add) all the relevant information is in the public domain. Notably this is a complete flip around of the typical views expressed by many shareholders - pay takes up too much of their time and isn't that important, they shouldn't micromanage the detail etc.
It also feeds into the argument I've made before. Fund managers who are opposed to the Government's efforts to get them to act more like owners say that the information asymmetry they face compared to directors makes it very difficult (if not too difficult). Fair enough, but then if that affects your ability to take a view on relatively simple issues like board structure and pay, why shold we have any faith in what's supposed to be your core ability - forecasting the prospects for investee businesses. What is diferent in principle, other than the latter is surely even harder?
Finally this also made me think a bit more about this question of employee involvement in governance and decision-making. This is an idea I am clearly likely to be sympathetic to given my background, but it's one I've never really explored in detail. As Blair argues, employees have a lot tied up in companies compared to shareholders. In public companies with dispersed shareholders they also surely typically have better information about the company than investors. So the more I read and think about this (and others are way ahead of me), the more convinced I am that there are solid reasons for thinking a lot more about how employees are represented in governance, and also how we look at their role in ownership.
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
Fidelity is still funding the Tories
But this week, whilst looking at something completely different, I stumbled across the fact that they are indeed still funding the Dark Side, only they don't use the name 'Fidelity' anymore, the cheeky scamps!
Try searching the register for 'FIL'. You should pick up a donation from FIL Investment Management for £30K in September last year, and a further £25K this June. The address is clearly Fidelity's address, and, if you need more proof, the company registration number - 2349713 - is the same.
That takes Fidelity's total donations to the Tories since April 2004 to £550,000.
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Paying for performance?
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Are shareholders really owners?
In large publicly traded corporations, the normal rights that constitute ownership of real property have been unbundled and parceled out to numerous participants in the enterprise. Many physical assets may be involved, as well as many intangible assets, and the various rights and responsibilities associated with those assets are carved up in different ways. Thus taking "ownership" as the starting point in discussions about corporate governance, a point from which certain rights or claims are supposed to flow, is quite problematic... [T]he common assertion that "the shareholders are the owners" of large corporations is a highly misleading statement that often does more to obscure the important issues than to illuminate them.
Saturday, 19 September 2009
Friday, 18 September 2009
Myners keeps the pressure up
Company directors must make decisions based on long-term performance considerations; investment managers must engage with the companies in which they invest and hold them to account when they fail to think long-term; shareholders, for instance pension fund trustees, must ensure that their managers are appropriately incentivised to engage and held to account when they don’t.
Shareholders must take front-line responsibility for the companies in whose equity they have invested their client funds.
Shareholders have previously spoken of their concerns that there were structural impediments to effective engagement.
Therefore I welcome the recent announcements by the FSA and the Takeover Panel that their rules do not constitute an impediment to effective collaborative engagement by like-minded shareholders.
There is no structural or regulatory obstacle to the pursuit and delivery of effective stewardship. But does the will exist for shareholders and trustees to take seriously their fiduciary and legal responsibilities? Sir David Walker will have more to say on this.
There is an irony in the labour market not working effectively at the heart of financial markets; the citadel of market efficiency.Supply is not responding to pricing signals. If some activities like proprietary trading are so profitable, banks clearly have an economic incentive to participate, provided risks are properly controlled and regulation complied with. But why do banks appear to be allowing a disproportionate share of surplus to pass to employees?
Do these employees really have unique talents, or are they largely reliant on the banks' capital and franchise and the banks' knowledge, from order flow? Logically, the banks would 'institutionalise knowledge', and nurture pools of talent to reduce dependence on individual talent; writing it down and building bench strength.
And yet they do not appear to have done this. Derivative traders are not footballers with unique talents, and should not be paid as though they are. Bank owners, our pensions and savings, are possibly being short-changed by ineffective governance and stewardship.
And why do M&A bankers get so hugely rewarded? What skill do the members of this small elite community have which cannot be replicated by others? I suspect a great deal has to do with the authority of the investment bank’s brand – which begs the question why individual bankers frequently pocket 50 per cent or so of the fee charged by the bank to clients.
Some get bonuses in excess of £10million per annum (and not always for advising on transactions which deliver all they promise, as we have seen in banking sector transactions in recent years). Why hasn't the market mechanism adjusted pricing? What is frustrating a logical market response? If the market was working rationally, these rewards should have led to a sharp increase in supply and downwards pressure on margins.
And finally, some good tub-thumping on relative pay levels:
There is another very important issue around remuneration: perceived fairness. Organisations with extreme distributions of income are inherently prone to greater instability. It is harder to foster shared values and common culture. It can be a source of risk.
The national minimum wage is £5.73 per hour. That means that someone working for forty hours a week for forty-eight weeks a year earns £11,001.60 per annum.
According to the Office for National Statistics' Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE), "mean" gross annual earnings across all employee jobs in 2008 came to £26,020 and "median" gross annual earnings was £20,801, across all employee jobs.
I sometimes think that Remuneration Committees and senior investment banking executives need to be reminded of this reality before they disgorge huge bonuses. And they have to ask themselves whether they have fully explored all options to protect organisational and shareholder interests before going down the route of making payments which many in society find unacceptable in terms of reward for skill and contribution.
The whole thing is worth a read.
(not) in it for the money
Clearly people are motivated by a variety of factors - and money is definitely one of them - but to date shareholders haven't really given much thought to this. Instead investors' approaches to remuneration (as a proxy for motivation) are often still based on the very simple idea that you should tie pots of cash to outcomes you want achieved. Therefore the mainstream response to remuneration 'reform' in the wake of the crisis has inevitably been to seek to make sure the outcome (results) is measured over the long-term. From this perspective it's simply a question of designing better targets.
There is some evidence that this is a legitimate concern, though it seems to be the case that it is a problem where rewards are tied to a very specific kind of outcome that genuinely is quanitifiable. In contrast at board level you do have to wonder if we could ever design targets that would capture the sorts of behaviour we want directors to exhibit. What's more some of the metrics that underpin remuneration seem to me to be based on things are hard for the board to personally control. The result is that they end up getting extra reward for performance that may be generated elsewhere.
And finally, the trend to multiple performance indicators which all feed into a performance assessment that drives reward just feels wrong to me. If factor X accounts for 10% of the calculation of your bonus/LTIP/whatever, should you only spend 10% of your time seeking to manage it? And is a director realistically likely to respond in such a way, dividing up their time to ensure that they hit each metric? I don't think so, and if not then what is the point in it being in there? The director will effectively simply be rewarded if, by chance, the company happens to do well on factor X.
In general then, a lot of the investor approach to remuneration seems to have been driven by a desire to address a problem that may not be there (or not matter as much as agency theory would suggest). Perhaps that's why there is currently a bit of chatter about pay versus other types of motivation, and I hope this discussion goes somewhere.
As the man said:
"You have to realise: if I had been paid 50% more, I would not have done it better. If I had been paid 50% less, then I would not have done it worse."
Thursday, 17 September 2009
Unions, the TPA and research
At the same time the Taxpayers Alliance is - admittedly with the help of journos who can't be bothered to a) consider the TPA's political orientation and/or b) check out their research - is getting a free ride in media. Their (undisclosed) donors get a big bang for their buck.
Much as many of us on the Left dislike the TPA, we should acknowledge that they have been successful at getting their point of view across. Some of their research is wobbly, but at least they do primary research and don't simply rely on rhetoric to make their arguments.
There are some big battles ahead for the labour movement, not least over public sector pensions. Would it not make more sense for unions like the RMT to spend their limited resources funding high-quality research to make their arguments, rather than peeing it away on political projects that have no impact? Or maybe even support a left TPA-style group?
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Caledonia Investments' helicopter drop
Here are the details of donations in 2009 that have been picked up so far.
Conservative PartyMeon Valley
Caledonia Investments PLCstatus: Companycompany reg no: 235481
Cayzer House30 Buckingham GateLondonSW1E 6NN
£ 20,000.00
Conservative PartyDudley South
Caledonia Investments PLCstatus: Companycompany reg no: 235481
Cayzer House30 Buckingham GateLondonSW1E 6NN
£ 5,000.00
Conservative PartyMilton Keynes Federation
Caledonia Investments PLCstatus: Companycompany reg no: 235481
Calidonia investmentsCayzer House30 Buckingham GateLondonSW1E 6NN
£ 5,000.00
Conservative PartyEaling Central and Acton
Caledonia Investments PLCstatus: Companycompany reg no: 235481
Cayzer House30 Buckingham GateLondonSW1E 6NN
£ 5,000.00
Conservative PartyEltham
Caledonia Investments PLCstatus: Companycompany reg no: 235481
Cayzer House30 Buckingham GateLondonSW1E 6NN
£ 5,000.00
Just a quick aside, here's what Caledonia chief exec Tim Ingram had to say as justification for the donations -
"It is worth understanding why we are doing it. It is not for purely political reasons, it's economic reasons. We are an investment trust so we take equity positions in other companies, which are mainly British. We firmly believe that our shareholders will get greater wealth creation in the economic conditions created by a Tory government than by a Labour government."
Stirring stuff, but if it's so important does he use his own money? Try searching the Electoral Commission list of donors for 'Ingram'. Surprisingly no Tim Ingram appears on the list. There is a Chris Ingram listed as a Tory donor, and Tim Ingram has middle initials C and W, so possibly that's him. But even if it is he's put in quite a bit less than Caledonia's shareholders.
The Grauniad backs voting disclosure... I think
One easy way to sharpen up institutional investors would be to mandate them, to state how they voted on each pay resolution – and why.
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Two takes on Tobin taxes
…I might now entertain the argument that willingness to invest in costly “due diligence” on what investors are buying may be undermined by the perceived ease of selling. For these reasons, market liquidity no longer seems an unambiguous good. Maybe shifting the structure of incentives towards “buying and holding” might be better.
But Willem Buiter says it would be the wrong way to tackle the problem. Here’s the key bit for me:
“Churning” can be a problem for individual savers. Excessive transaction volumes can be caused by perverse incentive systems that link the remuneration of traders – acting as agents for owners of wealth – to trading volumes. Even here, the right solution is not transaction taxes but regulation restricting the undesirable features of these contracts directly. If excessive pay in the financial sector is a problem, tax pay.
Congress Voices
Monday, 14 September 2009
Interesting new blog alert
Left Foot Forward is a political blog for progressives. We provide evidence-based analysis on British politics, news and policy developments.
We are a non-partisan blog. Because we are progressive and because of the aims we’re committed to, we often find ourselves in agreement with left of centre policies and politicians. But we are focused purely on the quality of policies and furthering progressive goals, rather than on promoting individual politicians and parties.
We have been inspired by our U.S. sister site, Think Progress, and have therefore adopted their approach to blogging by setting out our beliefs and categorising our stories accordingly.
We are fighting for:
1. A proactive and sustainable economic policy that creates jobs, pulls Britain out of recession and towards a low-carbon and more equitable future.
2. Public services that work for, and are accountable to, local people and leave no one behind.
3. Safe communities where poverty and inequality are tackled, and the victims of crime are put first.
4. A multilateral foreign policy to tackle climate change, poverty, nuclear proliferation, genocide, terrorism, and disease.
We are fighting against:
1. Public greed and attempts by politicians and public servants to line their own pockets.
2. Administrative incompetence whether it takes place at the national, regional, or local level.
3. Media manipulation and bias to support a hidden agenda.
4. The threat of racism and extremism.
Left Foot Forward is edited by Will Straw. Our editorial policy is set by the editor and contributors of Left Foot Forward alone, and no one else.
We welcome ideas for stories, tip offs, and pitches for articles. Please send your ideas to editor@leftfootforward.org or enter them in our ideas box. If you would like to support our work, please click here.
Lefties and the crisis
1. We didn't predict the crisis. No we didn't. We talked a lot about turbo-capitalism, financialisation, hedge funds and private equity. Some of us said (and had been saying for a very long time) that this would 'inevitably' all end in tears. But I don't think there was consistent and coherent critique advanced that was widely articulated, and who on the Left was suggesting that the banks would be the focal point of any crisis?
2. Allied to the failure to predict has IMO been the the failure to apportion blame to the right people. You can see this misdiagnosis at work in the desire to put one over on hedge funds and private equity while the crisis still affords us the opportunity. Clearly there are reasonable criticisms that can be levelled at both groups (though the former is much more disparate than the latter) but neither was at the centre of what went wrong, and both have emerged less damaged than many of us expected. And just to reiterate: Madoff wasn't a hedge fund.
3. We have tended to underestimate/play down what has happened. Again there are lots of criticisms that could be aimed at our and other goverments' responses to the crisis, but let's not pretend that some reasonably significant shifts haven't occured. Regulatory intervention is very clearly back on the agenda (and if you believe the pitch of the Turner Review, the philosophy of regulation is fundamentally altered by recent events), in my bit of the world there are noticeable moves away from a market-driven shareholder-focused approach to governance towards regulation - ie the FSA getting more involved at BOFIs. We've got a higher tax rate for the highest paid that so many lefties wanted, and look at all the sound and fury around remuneration.
I'm not saying that more could not have been done, at that some of these things are a bit of a sideshow, but lefties do seem to adopt the default position that 'nothing' has changed because capitalism hasn't been abolished. And that message does filter out to the punters (btw there is the same problem with TUs constantly slagging Labour off for not doing enough, and then being surprised when TU members aren't enthusiastic Labour supporters come election time).
4. Lack of a coherent set of alternative ideas. Let's be honest, a lot of the Left's response to the crisis has consisted of variations on 'tax the rich' and 'regulate the rich'. It's often simply come across as vindictive. On one level this is understandable, but it only takes you so far, and certainly isn't any kind of programme that deserves public support. More broadly there's been a tendency to suggest 'obvious' solutions despite the lack of evidence that they would make any difference (reinstating Glass-Steagall, developing longer-term remuneration policies, 'tighter' regulation etc etc etc).
5. We have no preordained right to benefit politically from financial crises. End of.
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Tackling short-termism
Washington, DC, September 9, 2009—Twenty-eight leaders representing business, investment, government, academia, and labor joined the Aspen Institute Business & Society Program’s Corporate Values Strategy Group (CVSG) to endorse a bold call to end the focus on value-destroying short-termism in our financial markets and create public policies that reward long-term value creation for investors and the public good.
The statement, “Overcoming Short-termism: A Call for a More Responsible Approach to Investment and Business Management,” identifies three leverage points for encouraging a renewed focus on long-term value creation and for addressing one part of market short-termism, shareholder short-termism:
1. Market incentives: encourage more patient capital through tax policy
2. Alignment: better align the interests of financial intermediaries and their ultimate investors
3. Transparency: strengthen investor disclosures
The statement highlights the need to focus on the system and not just the corporation, recognizing that a complex dance involving corporate managers, boards, investment advisers, providers of capital, and government drives the results we have now. This distinguished and diverse group is unified in calling for a comprehensive examination of market short-termism in our economy. The signatories hope that policy makers in Congress, the Executive branch, and relevant regulatory agencies will heed this call.
Recognizing that voluntary action alone is not enough to address today’s economic reality, a small group came together to create the foundation for this much-needed public policy conversation. The current drafting committee began with a set of ideas shared in Aspen CVSG meetings among varied market players beginning in July 2008. This effort builds on the CVSG's ongoing focus on sustainable value for investors and society, including the “Aspen Principles for Long-Term Value Creation,” that were released in June 2007 by a coalition of business, labor, institutional investors, and corporate governance experts. The Principles called for voluntary change in practice by business and investors around metrics of success, investor communications, and executive compensation.
“Short-termism must be addressed as a conceptual whole — piecemeal approaches do not work,” said Judith Samuelson, executive director of the Aspen Institute’s Business & Society Program. “Now is the time for bold ideas to drive change in the incentives and behaviors critical to transformation of how value is created and sustained.”
Friday, 11 September 2009
And this!
Read this!
Thursday, 10 September 2009
Pension fund self-interest vs taxes
Back to the beginning
"[S]tockmarkets are no longer places of 'investment' as the word was used by classical economists. Save to a marginal degree, they no longer allocate capital. They are mechanisms for liquidity. The purchaser of stock, save in rare instances, does not buy new issue. The price he pays does not add to capital or assets of the corporation whose shares he buys. Stockmarkets do not exist for, and in general are not used for (in fact are not allowed to be used for), distribution of newly issued shares... The exchanges are institutions in which shares, arising from investment made long ago, are shifted from sellers who cash to buyers who wish stock. Purchases and sales on the New York and other stock markets do not seriously affect the business operations of the companies whose shares are the subject of trading."We have yet to digest the social-economic situation resulting from this fact. Immense dollar values of stocks are bought and sold every day, month and year. These dollars - indeed hundreds of billions of dollars - do not, apparently, enter the stream of direct commercial or productive use. That is, they do not become 'capital' devoted to productive use..."...The purchaser of stock does not contribute savings to an enterprise, thus enabling it to increase its plant or operations. He does not take the 'risk' of a new or increased economic operation; he merely estimates the chances of the corporation's shares increasing in value. The contribution his purchase makes to anyone other than himself is the maintenance of liquidity for other shareholders who may want to convert their holdings into cash..."
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
That Adair Turner interview
"There was no definition of the levers to pull if you decided there were problems...""...we all recognise we need levers other than macro-prudential ones or other than interest rates alone.""...to stop the credit bubble of 2015-20 we do need to have levers for tightening liquidity or tightening capital rules"
"There is a real sense of intellectual confusion. Over the past year I have been speaking to former true believers and they're like a priest who has lost faith in the Bible, but still has to go to church, and the congregation is sitting there but he doesn't know what the Bible is anymore."
WOOLLEY: If we agree that agents in the financial sector are capturing too much of the productive economy's return then surely part of the solution is educating the principals, the pension funds and so on, to make agents deliver longer-term investment strategies with less dealing for the agents' own sake.TETT: It's a complete pipedream to think that the principals are suddenly going to change their ways... The pension funds are so dumb and fragmented, they're not going to protect their own interests, the FSA is going to have to be interventionist and protect the end interests of the people who supply the money - the pensioners.
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Blogging light to moderate
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
So if we're going to use the Companies Act...
Information as to exercise of voting rights by institutional investors
1277Power to require information about exercise of voting rights
(1)The Treasury or the Secretary of State may make provision by regulations requiring institutions to which this section applies to provide information about the exercise of voting rights attached to shares to which this section applies.
(2)This power is exercisable in accordance with—
section 1278 (institutions to which information provisions apply),
section 1279 (shares to which information provisions apply), and
section 1280 (obligations with respect to provision of information).
(3)In this section and the sections mentioned above—
(a)references to a person acting on behalf of an institution include—
(i)any person to whom authority has been delegated by the institution to take decisions as to any matter relevant to the subject matter of the regulations, and
(ii)such other persons as may be specified; and
(b)“specified” means specified in the regulations.
(4)The obligation imposed by regulations under this section is enforceable by civil proceedings brought by—
(a)any person to whom the information should have been provided, or
(b)a specified regulatory authority.
(5)Regulations under this section may make different provision for different descriptions of institution, different descriptions of shares and for other different circumstances.
(6)Regulations under this section are subject to affirmative resolution procedure.