Tuesday 8 April 2008

Quick plugs

Some random plugs before I get my blogroll up to date. Change To Win Investment Group has just started a blog which you can access here. They have also set up a scetion dedicated to their engagement with banks over sub-prime failures here. One day the UK unions are going to be this good, I know it!

Separately I can't recommend highly enough the IUF's Private Equity Buyout Watch. Top notch labour movement analysis of private equity that doesn't fall back on 'fat cat' cliches. Definitely worth keeping an eye on.

Turning to the SRI world, I've recently stumbled across this blog which covers that bit of the investment market. Coincidentally they've got a brief comment on Predictably Irrational.

Also well worth a plug if I havent done it before is the Responsible Investor site, run by a journo mate of mine. It's a must read if you are interested in responsible investment.

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