Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Even more duplicate reporting...

Well, here's something. In a previous blog I noted that Liontrust Asset Management is apparently both a Tier 1 and a Tier 2 signatory of the Stewardship Code (though the statement is the same in both links).

Well, I had a bit of a Google around and I found that the Liontrust statement on the Stewardship Code bears more than a passing resemblance to a Martin Currie statement: GOVERNANCE OVERSIGHT OF INVESTEE COMPANIES AND PROXY VOTING

A couple of examples below.


Martin Currie:


Martin Currie:

Ho hum.

Here's another one. Try sticking the following into Google without quotes "The materiality and immediacy of a given issue will generally determine the level of our engagement"

I don't know where that sentence came from, and perhaps just a coincidence. But look at this Blackrock paper and this ValueCap stewardship statement.



Thankfully the lack of a mechanistic process is also referenced in ValueCAP's PRI reporting.

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